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2014 Rainbow PUSH General Motors Scholarship now available, New Deadline September 7, 2014!

DETROIT - Good news! The deadline for the Detroit Rainbow PUSH GM Scholarship has been extended to September 7, 2014. That's right and so you and/or a student you know can still apply and be considered for a $2,500.00 scholarship.

The PUSH Excel Scholarship Program was created to assist young people who are qualified but lack the financial resources to attend college. The goal of the program is to develop servant leadership potential in the scholarship students and encourage a spirit of social justice and social change.

To be considered a student must qualify...see below:

at least a 2.7 grade point average
a resident of Michigan (note, the student can attend school anywhere in the world)
submit a complete application (application attached) write an essay ... up to 300 (topic is on the application)
provide transcripts
must be enrolled in school
two reference letters


Best of luck!

